πŸ“– How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury

Topic: Dating | Medium: Audible | Rating: 4.5/5

This book helped challenge my perception of how relationships happen. And it prompted me to take action after a lifetime of being overly passive.
The week after I finished this book I asked multiple guys out and even went on 2 dates IRL (IKR?). I don’t know who I am anymore haha.

I appreciated the humour and how practical the book was.

1. Romanticizer fallacy

"Romanticizers believe that love is something that happens to you. And that the reason they're single is that they just haven't met the right person yet. Romanticizes might not consciously identify with Fairy Tales yet they expect their lives to resemble one. They believe the perfect person will walk into their lives one day. All they have to do is wait for that moment and once that prince charming or Cinderella appears, love will be effortless. Of course! Cue the Celine Dion soundtrack."

Relationships dont just happen. You need to make it happen. Like with everything there are countless opportunities everywhere. If only we paid attention and acted on them.

2. Choosing unresolvable problems

"When choosing a long term partner, you will inevitably be choosing a particular set of unresolvable problems. The goal isn't to find someone with whom you don't fight. It's to choose a partner with whom you fight well and who doesn't make you worry that the fight will end the relationship."

3. Great relationships are created, not discovered

"Great relationships are created, not discovered. You can form a lasting bond by putting in the work. The opportunity is yours to build the relationship of your dreams."