📖 Zero to One by Peter Thiel et al.

Be the monopoly (I.e. don’t compete)

  • Brand
  • Scale
  • Network effect
  • Long term planning
  • Pareto principal 80/20
  • Exponential growth

Be a contrarian thinker

  • The next big business or innovation hasn’t been discovered yet. So instead of trying to copy what works, uncover what’s currently a secret to the world.
  • There are 2 kinds of secrets - secrets about nature and secrets about people.
  • Ask what secrets is nature not telling you? What secrets are people not telling you?

Trichotomy of goals

  1. Easy
  2. Hard
  3. Impossible

The aim is to work on hard goals because they are rewarding and possible.


  • Co-founders must share a pre-history. And have complementary skills. Otherwise, you’re just rolling the dice.
  • Determine ownership possession and control.
  • Equity can help alignment to the long-term.
  • To attract employees create a compelling mission.
  • Why would the 20th employee work for you?
  • First people should be as similar as possible.