๐Ÿ“– The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing By Al Ries
1 min read

๐Ÿ“– The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing By Al Ries

Topic: Branding | Medium: Audible | Rating: 2.5/5

Honestly found this quite boring ๐Ÿ˜…


  • Being first is better than being better.
  • Generic name - becomes synonyms with the product (eg Coca Cola, Xerox).
  • Be the first product in the Customerโ€™s mind.
  • If not first, make the category.
  • Promote what youโ€™re first in.
  • Battle of perception - not the actual features/products but what they think about the brand. And what why known for (e.g., car vs. motor vehicle)
  • One word or benefit (e.g., thicker sauce).
  • Halo effect.
  • Can only be the one associated with that word - exclusivity.
  • Duracell vs Energizer bunny.
  • Not say we will be number 1 - we are second and we work harder.
  • Some try to be better, be different.
  • The alternative. Opposite attribute.
  • Candor - negative is taken is truth . Positive you need to prove.
  • Make fun of yourself. Then set up the positive/benefit. (e.g., "as exciting as insurance gets" playing fun of a boring industry, or listerine tastes yuck but must kill germs)
  • Spend money on advertising!
  • Ideas without money is worthless.
  • Why rich get rich.
  • You can save to riches.

The Laws (chapters):

  1. The Law of Leadership
  2. The Law of the Category
  3. The Law of the Mind
  4. The Law of Perception
  5. The Law of Focus
  6. The Law of Exclusivity
  7. The Law of the Ladder
  8. The Law of Duality
  9. The Law of the Opposite
  10. The Law of Division
  11. The Law of Perspective
  12. The Law of Line Extension
  13. The Law of Sacrifice
  14. The Law of Attributes
  15. The Law of Candor
  16. The Law of Singularity
  17. The Law of Unpredictability
  18. The Law of Success
  19. The Law of Failure
  20. The Law of Hype
  21. The Law of Acceleration0
  22. The Law of Resources