🦸 Superhuman Self-Confidence

Podcast: The School of Greatness  | Medium: Spotify

Loved this podcast. Ed Mylett (interviewee) is super passionate and engaging to listen to. You can feel his energy and desire to serve others. And I really resonated with his insecurities of self-confidence. I will definitely read his book.


Confidence trilogy:

  1. Faith - you are never alone.
  2. Intention - don't align confidence with ability, align it with intention.
  3. Associations - you realise these "successful" people are just like you.

Confidence - reflects the relationship with yourself:

  1. Low self-confidence - you built a habit of not keeping promises to yourself.
  2. Moderate self-confidence -  keep promises to yourself.
  3. Superhuman confidence - keep promises to yourself plus one more.  
  • "In life, we dont get out goals we get our standards over time."

The power of one more:

  • Believe you are one moment, one person, one situation, one book away from a totally different life.


  • Use your imagination to create new dreams. By doing so you create a space for that thought - and the universe will start to furnish that space.
  • Create a compelling future to attach to (away from your past).
  • Equminity under duress - be calm under pressure.
  • Have mini days (6am-12pm; 12pm-6pm; 6pm-12pm). Review in between.
  • Chase difficult and inconvenient things - on the other side of temporary pain is a whole new version of yourself.

Getting people to enrol:

  • Sell a vision people can fit into.
  • Be evangelical about it.
  • Repeat the same ideas over and over again.
  • Align the cause and purpose to your bliss.

How to be successful:

1. Do what you’re good out.
2. Serve people - show them that you love, care, and believe in them.
3. Be obsessed and have relentless focus. This is the only way to truly be great at something. And this is when you’re the happiest.