๐Ÿ“– The Gap and the Gain by Sullivan & Hardy
1 min read

๐Ÿ“– The Gap and the Gain by Sullivan & Hardy

Topic: Success | Medium: Audible | Rating: 5/5

The Gap and the Gain provides a simple (yet profound) framework on how to look at situations more positively, constructively and with gratitude.

The book made me realise I was in the Gap mindset a lot of the time. Even at times when I felt "successful". And it's amazing how a simple change in your perception can improve your mood and life satisfaction.

Highly recommend! :)

Three keynotes

1. Measure progress backward not against an ideal


  • Have a planned response - You will fall into the gap from time to time. But is important to be self-aware and respond by turning that gap into a gain.
  • Nightly routine - every night record 3 gains for the day and 3 anticipated gains for the next day.
  • Serial gainer - transform every experience into a gain. The impact on your health, success and happiness will compound.

2. Ideals and goals provide motivation and direction

โ€œI donโ€™t think we set and achieve goals in an effort to become happy. We do it because we are happy and want to expand our happiness.โ€
โ€œThe ideal is like the sun that illuminates the path ahead of you to give you the encouragement to take the necessary steps to reach your destination.โ€
โ€œAn ideal canโ€™t be measured. Itโ€™s there for emotional, psychological, and intellectual motivation, but itโ€™s not there for measurement.โ€

3. Measure your own progress

โ€œComparison makes you unhappy, and thereโ€™s no end to comparison in the world, if thatโ€™s the path you choose."
โ€œMeasuring your own personal progress keeps you out of comparison with others.โ€

It's so hard not to compare in a world of social media and capitalism where followers, money and body image are glorified as a symbol of status. Like money, perception is relative. So it's important to live in our own world, and not one curated for consumerism.

A massive takeaway is to also measure the gain in others. Don't compare them to yourself, others or an ideal. It helps you appreciate that person a lot more. ย