☕ Darren Daily Podcast Notes - Nov21
Sometimes I get in the mood to write notes.
Episode: Forget your Goals and Here's Why | Listened on: 03.11.21
- The root of all suffering lies in attachment.
- Wanting and needing things something other than the way they aren't now is what causes unhappiness.
- So set goals, forget about them and don't be attached to the outcome. Focus on:
1. Purpose - expressing your values, and why you exist.
2. Process - the journey. Executing with excellence.
3. Growth - better every day.
Always strive for better, but success and happiness are right now, and to be felt every day. ❤️
Episode: The Most Profound Perspective | Listened on: 04.11.21
- We can place too much importance on our actions, and on ourselves.
- In the grand scheme of things, "it doesn't matter", which is liberating.
Episode: Why You Should be More Skeptical | Listened on: 05.11.21
- Most things aren't truths. They are beliefs and opinions.
- We rather accept false information than not have an answer.
- Be comfortable with being uncertainty/ambiguity
Episode: Here's How to Get More Free Time | Listened on: 06.11.21
- We have more "free time" than we did in all of human history.
- "Not enough time" is an excuse.
- Breaking down the large tasks e.g. learning a language, or writing a book we could do multiple in a year.
Episode: One Behaviour That Will Change Your Life | Listened on: 08.11.21
- System for saying no - have someone to say no for me -> I need a new PA to do this for me.
- Focus on work - includes no communication before 11 am.
- Priority alignment - sacred Sunday planning.
- Team alignment - vital metrics spreadsheet.
Episode: The Dreamer vs. The Doer | Listened on: 10.11.21
- Action is the biggest separator.
- Nothing will turn out the way you plan anyway. So just start.
Episode: The #Truth About Creating Your Masterpiece | Listened on: 12.11.21
- Doing what you dont want to do to create your masterpiece.