📖 Be Your Future Self Now by Dr. Benjamin Hardy
1 min read

📖 Be Your Future Self Now by Dr. Benjamin Hardy

Topic: Self-Help | Medium: Audible | Rating: 5/5

This book was very motivating and promoted action.

Our actions are based on future prospects. So we are in constant movement towards our future selves. Have we stopped working towards a new future (i.e. fixed mindset)? Or do we continue to create a compelling, exciting and rewarding future?

Three keynotes

1. Your future self is closer than you know 🔮

How quickly do the years fly by? It's crazy. So commit to making progress towards your goals no matter how small.

You can even use this future self concept on a short-term basis. I would ask, what would future David be proud of at the end of the day? Would he appreciate this break or power through this work and rest later? You then imagine a future self cheering you on. And then you become your future self and look back proud of your past self. So weird lol. But it works.

It's an excellent exercise to get out of our own heads and motivate ourselves as if we were a coach or accountability partner.  

2. Your future self is the paid piper 💰

Every action you take is either investing or costing your future self. And the impact is compounding. So commit to long-term gratification instead of short-term harmful pleasures.

3. Better to fail at your future self than succeed at your current self 🎯

Reminds me of a quote from 'How Champions Think' by Dr. Bob Rotella about setting extremely high goals.

"It's a big advantage to aim high. When you aim high you have a chance to be great. Even your failures will be better than most people's best... If no one thinks your goals are crazy, you're probably not aiming high enough." (Rotella 2015)