📖 This is Marketing by Seth Godin
Topic: Marketing | Medium: Audiobook | Rating: 4/5
Three keynotes
1. People buy feelings not things
"People don't want what you make. They want what will it do for them. They want the way it will make them feel. And there aren't that many feelings to choose from. In essence, most marketers deliver the same feeling." (Godin 2018, ch4)
2. Serve the smallest viable market
"When you seek to share your best work ... it helps if it's likely to spread ... but even if it is extraordinary it's not going to make a difference if you drop it in the ocean. ... That means you walk away from the ocean and look for a large swimming pool." (Godin 2018, ch5)
3. Marketing is about creating change
"Marketers make change. We change people from an emotional state to another. We take people on a journey. We help them make become the person they've dreamed of becoming, a little bit at a time." (Godin 2018, ch8)