✔️ 21 Books in 2021

I made a goal to read 21 books in 2021. With 3 months to spare (thanks to lockdown), I have now completed 21 books/audiobooks on topics including health, productivity, mindset, and business. Yay!

In addition to the accumulated knowledge, I have refined my process of taking notes, and also have a cute gallery of graphics growing.

Main reasons why I share: reinforces the learning, digital record-keeping, and it may resonate with others.

The teacher learns more than the student. The writer learns more than the reader. So, if you learn something, write about it, post it. Do it for yourself.

I haven't posted every book, and I don't need to. Sometimes I just want to casually delve into a topic without wanting to take notes. And sometimes I write up things and don't release them. It's great to have goals, but every part doesn't need to fit a mould. And in doing so it allows you to pivot whilst still achieving the objective. For example, I initially started with just physical books, but then I started listening to audiobooks to increase my progress. In doing so, it brought variety creating more motivation. And the right narrator can trigger a greater connection and emotional response.

I enjoy reading and I hope it will continue to be a lifelong habit. To me, it's also a form of self-care. You block out the world and focus which has a calming effect. And to constantly upgrade your mind and skills is addictive. So onto the next goal. 😎

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